Garden State Java User Group - 2020 Year in Review

 The Garden State Java User Group has been through an interesting year.  Having started out the year as the ACGNJ Java Users Group, the new leadership team started the transition during the summer to officially kick-off the newly rebranded group on October 1, 2020.  We finalized our incorporation as a 501(c)(3) non-profit in early November.

This hasn't stopped us from providing high-quality topics with well-known Java luminaries:

  • February 13 - Mark Heckler presented "Game of Streams: How to Tame and Get the Most from your Messaging Platforms."
  • May 14 - Dierk König presented "Purely Functional Programming on the JVM with Frege."
  • October 5 - Josh Long presented "Bootiful Testing."
  • November 4 - Heather VanCura presented "Java Community Participation and Collaboration in 2020."
  • December 8 - Pratik Patel presented "Data Science on the JVM with Kotlin and Zeppelin."

The rest of the year featured presentations by myself on Quarkus, MicroProfile, Micronaut and Jakarta EE.

Since we've started under the new name, we've had a few accomplishments:

Yes, this has been a year of change in the middle of a pandemic.  However, the leadership team has worked hard these past three months in building a rebranded Java User Group for the Java community.  We are currently building an advisory board consisting of members wanting to contribute to scheduling speakers and helping out with various tasks. 

We look forward to seeing you in 2021.  Our next meeting is Monday, January 11 featuring Otavio Santana who will present, "Jakarta NoSQL: One API to Many NoSQL Databases into Cloud Native Age."

Happy New Year and Best Regards,

The GSJUG Directors:

  • Mike Redlich
  • Barry Burd
  • Chandra Guntur
  • Paul Syers


Paul said…
Fantastic accomplishments

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