
Showing posts from April, 2013

My Experience at the 2013 Emerging Technologies for the Enterprise Conference

The 2013 Emerging Technologies for the Enterprise (ETE) Conference was held on April 2-3, 2013 at the Sheraton Society Hill in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. This is year #6 in which I've participated in this conference in some capacity.  Not only have I attended ETE all these years, I was a speaker from 2008 through 2010 and I was on this year's ETE Steering Committee having participated on the Frameworks and Languages tracks.  I was also the guy tossing T-shirts to all the attendees and speakers as they checked-in on Tuesday, April 2. Even though I'm not an employee of Chariot Solutions , the folks there have made me feel as if I'm part of their family.  It's been an absolute pleasure working with them all these years and I look forward to many more years to come! My main focus for this year's ETE was Meteor and JavaScript.  I was indeed very happy that Avital Oliver, a core developer at Meteor , agreed to speak at ETE and host a meetup.  This is because