
Showing posts from February, 2018

From Java EE to Jakarta EE

As you may already know, the Java EE name is in the process of a name change. Oracle forced a rebranding after open sourcing and transferring Java EE to the Eclipse Foundation last fall. The Java EE Guardians , led by well-known Java evangelist Reza Rahman , submitted an open letter to Oracle to express their concerns over Oracle's restriction of the name "Java" and the "javax" package names. Rahman conducted two surveys on the rebranding last fall and the results overwhelmingly demonstrated that the Java community supported to keep the Java EE name. Despite all the efforts by Rahman and the Java EE Guardians to keep the "Java" and "javax" names, the process of determining a new name for Java EE will move forward. A new poll to select Java EE's new name recently opened. There are two choices: Jakarta EE Enterprise Profile Once used by the Apache Foundation for stewarding various Java subprojects, the Jakarta name was ret