Garden State Java User Group - 2021 Year in Review
As our first full year operating as the newly-branded Garden State Java User Group comes to a close, it's time to reflect on what we have accomplished this past year.
When I introduced our group at this time last year, I listed the directors that created our 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. We are:
- Mike Redlich (that's me!)
- Barry Burd
- Chandra Guntur
- Paul Syers
Since then, we added "leader" and "advisor" roles to our leadership team.
We have three awesome leaders that assist us with behind-the-scenes operations, social media advertising and attending our weekly leadership meetings. Please welcome:
Our advisors meet with us once per quarter to provide guidance and ensure we are on the right path in the way we operate the Java User Group. Please welcome:
We were also fortunate to have been sponsored by these wonderful organizations:
- Platinum Sponsorship: JFrog.
- Our Partner: Devnexus.
- Silver Sponsorship: Azul.
- Per Meeting Sponsors: JetBrains and Jakarta EE for JUGs.
We certainly appreciate their support!
Along with providing awesome speakers and Java-related topics, our participation in the Java community included:
- Having joined the MicroProfile Working Group as a contributing member.
- Having adopted the Jakarta NoSQL specification.
We will continue our participation in these initiatives in 2022.
And finally, we had an awesome slate of speakers this past year:
- January 11: Otavio Santana presented "Jakarta NoSQL: One API to Many NoSQL Databases into Cloud Native Age."
- February 9: Andres Almiray presented "Plug-in Architectures for Java With Layrry and the Java Module System."
- March 16: Allard Buijze presented "Practical Event-Driven Microservices using CQRS, Event Sourcing, and Axon."
- April 13: Neha Sardana presented "Demystifying Open Source."
- April 27: Sven Ruppert presented "Functional Reactive with Core JDK."
- May 18: Vladimir Zakharov presented "Using Mutation Testing to Expose and Fix Fake Unit Tests."
- June 8: Lucy Greco presented "10 Accessibility Problems that Affect Everyone."
- July 13: Scott Selikoff presented "Java Can Be Weird: Things You Learn While Studying for a Java Certification."
- August 17, Mike Redlich presented "Getting Started with Jakarta NoSQL and MongoDB."
- September 14: Neha Sardana presented "Building Layers of Defense for Your Application Using Spring Security Framework."
- September 28: Simon Ritter presented "Are All OpenJDK Builds Created Equal?" as part of the Virtual Foojay OpenJDK 17+ JUG Tour.
- October 12: Dan Moore presented "JWTs - What Java Developers Need to Know."
- November 9: Erin Schnabel and John Clingan presented "Quarkus in Action - Live Code, Real Developers and You" as part of the Quarkus World Tour 2021.
- December 14: Matt Raible and Josh Long presented "Native Java with Spring Boot and JHipster."
Many thanks to all of our guest speakers especially those who presented from Europe in the late-night hours to accommodate our 6:30pm EST start time.
We will kick off 2022 with a presentation by Billy Korando on January 11, 2022 who will present "Forward with Java 18 and Beyond!" And on February 10, 2022, Emily Jiang will present on MicroProfile 5.0. Please stay tuned for more details.
And finally, many thanks to you - the attendees - who have supported the Garden State Java User Group this past year. We look forward to seeing you in 2022!
Happy New Year and Best Regards,