Preview - December 2017 ACGNJ Java Users Group Meeting

I am happy to announce that Donald Raab will visit the ACGNJ Java Users Group on December 12, 2017.  He will present, "API Deep Dive: Designing Eclipse Collections" at the Scotch Plains Rescue Squad (second floor) starting at 7:30pm.

When designing an API, its authors have to consider many aspects: style, naming, scope, and implementation details are among these aspects. They have a direct impact on the resulting code, and its implementation can go in many different directions. How do you choose the best route to go? How do you guarantee consistency and performance across the framework? In this session, the mastermind behind Eclipse Collections (and previously GS Collections) shares the design choices he had to face and how he did it, the impact on different implementation strategies, and how the framework became a Eclipse project. Come take a look behind the curtains of a widely used API that has many years of development and that you can contribute to.

Donald Raab works at BNY Mellon in the Jersey City Innovation Center. Donald is a member of the Java Specification Request (JSR) 335 Expert Group (Libraries) and has presented at JavaOne, Devoxx US, EclipseCon, GIDS and the JVM Language Summit. He created the Eclipse Collections Java library which was originally open sourced as GS Collections in 2012 and migrated to the Eclipse Foundation in 2015.


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